Harry Potter Snitch Ornaments

One of the best parts of Christmas for me is decorating. It was always tradition for my family to turn on the move Santa Claus and decorate the tree and the house together. My parents have done such a wonderful job over the years collecting Christmas decorations that bring such a joyful spirit into our home during the holiday season. I used to love setting everything up and watching it transform into a beautiful Christmas Wonderland. 

However now that I've lived away from home for years, I don't get home for Christmas until around the 23rd, so I miss the house decorating! I think that is why I am kind of going overboard (I'm okay with it though) this year. I want that Christmas Wonderland feel in my apartment so I can enjoy the spirit before I get home!

In my adventure in creating my own Harry Potter Christmas theme this year, I knew I had a lot of DIY-ing to do when it came to ornaments. There is so much inspiration from the books and movies that could easily be created into ornaments! So, for this post, I'm highlighting the first of the ornaments I created - Snitch Ornaments!

*Beware - 
this project uses glitter. And glitter NEVER goes away when it gets on the floor ;) You'll be seeing glitter randomly more months.

What I used:
 - Small gold ornaments
 - Mod Podge
 - Gold Glitter
 - White feathers
 - Hot glue gun

These Snitch Ornaments are super simple to make.
First, use a paint brush to make a design on the gold ornament with Mod Podge. I decided to make polka dots, but you can do any sort of design! Then, sprinkle the glitter on top of the glue on the ornament (make sure a paper plate is underneath!). Let them dry for about 20 minutes before moving to the next step.

Next, hot glue feathers onto both sides of the ornament. These represent the wings of the snitch. To help the ornament dry completely, put string through the ornament hanger at the top, and hang the ornament in the air. That way it isn't rolling around while trying to dry.

Done and done! So simple, but so cute. 

Stay tuned for more Harry Potter Christmas decorations coming soon!